We all know the rhyme which starts “Remember, Remember the 5th November”, however I am suggesting that we should also be remembering certain other very important days in this month.
On the 1st is the Feast of All Saints – remembering all those who have departed this life and who are safely in heaven but whose names are not recorded.
On the 2nd we celebrate the Feast of All Souls when we are encouraged to take time to pray for the repose of the souls of all who have passed away that they may all take their place with the saints in heaven.
The 14th is Remembrance Sunday – when we take the time to remember all those who fought and died in war so that we may continue to live in freedom. At St Hilda’s we shall be holding a solemn Requiem Mass.
On 21st we remember our Patron Saint – Hilda, Abbess of Whitby who did so much to help to establish the True Faith in Britain.
We could perhaps wish each other a Happy New Year on 28th as we set off into another Church Year on the 1st Sunday of Advent. Let us hope and pray that the changes in the offing in the Diocese will, in whatever form they take, be of benefit to all in our little community.
God Bless