“The happy birds Te Deum sing – ‘tis Mary’s month of May,

Her smile turns winter into spring and darkness into day.”

This year we celebrate this loveliest of months,  as the readings during Mass take us through the story of Jesus’ time on earth following his Resurrection; how he appeared to his disciples with the message to continue his work.

He met with them in the Upper Room when Thomas wanted tangible proof before he would accept that the Lord really had risen; he encountered the disciples on the road to Emmaus who failed to recognize him until he broke the bread at supper and he greeted Peter and the others at the side of the lake and shared breakfast with them.

Through all the teachings of Jesus we hear the theme of “Love thy neighbour”.

There are so many charitable organisations that exist to try and put this into action. Christian Aid Week starts on 15th May – this a body that is doing its best to restore some balance into this unjust world.

How lucky we are that most people in this country  have somewhere to live, food on the table, and access to the Health Service and to Education.

What a contrast to all those countries where such facilities are the stuff of dreams and men, women and children are dying through lack of resources.

We should be guided by the Five Marks of Mission of which the third tells us clearly to respond to human need by loving service.

Let us take long hard look at ourselves to see what the balance is between what we can do and what we are actually doing.

God Bless