On the 17th of February, the first day of Lent, we set out on a journey together, a journey that we shall be following throughout this month of March until we arrive together on 4th April at the glorious feast of Easter.
This Lenten journey of forty days is a time for reflection, as we travel we need to look at ourselves to see clearly just what we need to do to keep to the right path and not be tempted to go astray.
We are reminded how Jesus went through just such a period of forty days in the desert, undergoing temptations from the devil as he prepared himself for his three years of ministry.
When we set out on a long journey, we are obliged to stop at intervals in order to take on refreshment to keep us going. As we make our Lenten journey we should be doing the same; here at St Hilda’s we have the opportunity for spiritual “refreshment stops” with the weekly prayer sessions every Saturday in church and the Stations of the Cross on Zoom each Sunday evening. Please take advantage of these if you are able.
We are all travelling this road together, let us extend a helping hand in whatever way we can to those in need, those struggling to keep up or even straying from the right path. We can do this through prayer or in deeds of charity, so that we will all be able to arrive together at the end of this forty day journey to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord.
God Bless