“Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter pains, poured for me the life-blood from his sacred veins.”
July is the month in the Church’s year when we reflect on how Jesus shed his blood for us – allowing himself to suffer a cruel death to atone for all the sins of mankind.
We are now in High Summer, (though it seems difficult to believe with the recent weather), and so many are setting off on holidays. The temptation is, during this time away, to let our spiritual life become less of a priority but we should really make the effort to keep up our observance, to try to get to church at least once a week. We need that contact with the Lord just as much in foreign climes as when we are back home with friends and family at St Hilda’s.
We are so lucky to have such a successful and welcoming school as part of our community. The children will be counting the days to the end of term and the start of the long holiday. At St Hilda’s we look forward to sharing in the celebrations as we say goodbye and wish good luck to all those making the huge step into secondary school.
I wish you all well for the Summer – may the sun shine both in the sky and in our hearts. This is the time when we take the chance to recharge our batteries as we store up the energy to help us face up to whatever September will bring.
God Bless