“O thou, most light so pure and blest, shine within the inmost breast”.
On Sunday 9thJune we celebrate the lovely Feast of Pentecost. This is the day when we celebrate the founding of the Church – when the Holy Spirit came down on the apostles and gave them the strength to go out and spread the Word.
I remember with nostalgia my younger days, when we walked in procession at Whitsun – if you were privileged you were given the honour of holding one of the ribbons attached to the banner. This was for the well-behaved; naughty boys had to walk at the back!
I have wonderful memories of those processions; I can picture them still as we paraded through the streets led by Britannia. The city bedecked in yellow and green; the Bishop giving his blessing in the centre of Piccadilly.
I am sad that that so much of that pageantry has disappeared as it served as a reminder to us of the momentous event that occurred in that upper room so long ago.
So, let us all, each one of us, as we go forward into “flaming June” pray that the Holy Spirit will come down into our hearts and kindle in them the desire to serve others. One of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit is Wisdom; let us pray that we will be guided towards and helped to always follow the right path towards our final destination where St Peter will be waiting to welcome us.God Bless
Fr Croft