“Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ, I toss on a stormy sea
Oh lift thy child as a beacon light, to port where I fain would be
Then Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ, this I do ask of thee
When the voyage is o’er and I stand on the shore, do show Him at last to me.”
May is the month of Our Blessed Lady – Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
The promise of new life at Easter is now fulfilled as the gardens and meadows burst into bloom; trees are covered in blossom, a promise of the fruit that is to follow.
This is a month of joyous celebration. In keeping with the season we respond to the invitation in the Mass to “Lift up your hearts”
In May we have two of the major feasts in the Church calendar – the Ascension – as Jesus is taken up into heaven where one day we will all hopefully join Him and Pentecost – celebrating the dramatic event of the Holy Spirit appearing as tongues of fire giving the disciples the strength and courage to go forth and preach the Good News.
As members of the Christian Community we should continue this today, carrying the joyful Message to those in need – the sick, those in low spirits, those experiencing problems related to age and those whose faith is being shaken and who are plagued by doubts.
We do not worship Mary but seek her help when in need and follow her example in selfless concern for others.
Let us rejoice in the legacy of the Risen and Ascended Saviour. Our motto at St Hilda’s is “Faith and Fun” and this should be our watchword as we seek to do our best for all those around us but always with a smile, invoking the help of Our Blessed Mother under her title of “ Mary the Queen of Joy”.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee
of the final stages of Jesus’ ministry on earth: the meeting on the road to Emmaus, the miraculous draught of fishes, the breakfast at the lakeside, Thomas’ scepticism followed by his glorious affirmation “My Lord and my God” and then the Ascension.
The message throughout is one of hope and love. Although the earthly ministry came to an end with the Ascension the ministry continued and does so to this day through the intercession of the Holy Spirit.
Fr Croft