Parochial Church Council

APCM 24th April 2022

Ken Mullen was elected as Churchwarden

The following were elected as members of the PCC:- Abigail Cheal, Julie Denby, Carole East, Alex Walker, Sheila Mullen, Shirley Diver, Andrea Smethurst, Lynda Jackson.

Canon Denby was co-opted as a member of the PCC

Ken Mullen and Alex Walker will be ex-officio members of the PCC as our representatives on the Deanery Synod

Carole East was elected as Electoral Roll Officer

PCC Meeting 4th April 2022

John Schofield was appointed as “independent Examiner” for the church accounts.

Michael James has been appointed as a Diocesan Foundation Governor

It was agreed that work should proceed on installation of a Loop System for the Croft. Part of a legacy will be used to fund this.

PCC Meeting 31st Jan 2022

The Parish Share for 2021 has been paid in full

The work on the kitchen floor has been completed

Father Croft will be our Mission Community Focal Leader

It was decided that Sunday School will, in future, be held in church during the Mass.

Following a decision from the PCC; due to the heightened level of the Corona Virus all social events are cancelled until the next PCC meeting on 31st January 2022.

The PCC meeting scheduled for the 29th November was postponed due to inclement weather. It will take place on Monday 6th December

PCC Meeting 25th Oct 2021

This meeting was called specifically to discuss the current decision being made in the Diocese regarding Mission Communities. It is proposed that St Hilda’s be in MC 5 with Parishes from Prestwich and Whitefield. After discussion it was resolved that a letter be sent on behalf of the PCC to +Bolton with copies to the Archdeacon of Bolton, and the Area Deans of Bury & Rossendale and Salford and Leigh to request that the arrangement be altered and that St Hilda’s be put into a group with other churches of our own tradition.

PCC Meeting 27th Sept 2021

Detailed report by the chair of the Maintenance Committee Ken Mullen outlining issues that need to be addressed. Lighting in church, decorating the Croft, damp on the rear corridor and cleaning the windows. A hand-rail has been fitted at the side of the altar to assist Fr Croft. Fire drills should be implemented.

PCC Meeting 24th May 2021

Canon Denby was co-opted on to the PCC

The following appointments were made: Deputy Churchwarden – Dominic Parry, Secretary – Carole East, Lay Chair – Phyllis Lefevre, Treasurer – Andrea Smethurst, Safeguarding Officer – Dominic Parry, Data Protection/Data Coordinator – Carole East, Health and Safety Officer – Ken Mullen, Gift Aid Secretary – Julie Denby.

APCM 25th April 2021

Phyllis Lefevre and Maryrose Thompson were re-elected as Churchwardens.

Phyllis and Joe Walk were re-elected as representatives on the Deanery Synod.

The following were elected as members of the PCC 

* = ex-officio

Phyllis Lefevre *  Joe Walk *  Ken Mullen  Dominic Parry Sarah Parry Abigail Cheal Julie Denby Maryrose Thompson * Carole East Andrea Smethurst.

John Schofield was appointed as Independent Auditor

The PCC meeting that was scheduled for January 25th did not take place as we have returned to Lockdown.

The PCC voted unanimously to request permission from the Bishop for the church not to open for worship until 28th March.

PCC Meeting 6th December 2020

The following were elected as officers:

Secretary and Data Protection –  Carole East, Lay Chair  and Treasurer- Phyllis Lefevre, Safeguarding Officer – Dominic Parry, H&S Officer- Ken Mullen, Gift Aid Officer – Julie Denby.

The following were also elected:

Dep. Churchwardens – Dominic Parry and Andrea Smethurst, 

Dep Secretary – Abi Cheal, Dep Treasurer- Julie Denby,   Dep Safeguarding – Joe Walk,  Dep H&S – Shirley Diver 

APCM 11th October 2020

29 persons plus the Chairman (Revd Ronald Croft) were in attendance.

Following a secret ballot Phyllis Lefevre and Maryrose Thompson were elected as Churchwardens.

Phyllis Lefevre and Joe Walk were elected to serve on the Deanery Synod.

The following were elected as members of the PCC:-

Abigail Cheal, Julie Denby, Carole East, Margaret Finch, Marion Lees, Ken Mullen, Dominic Parry, Andrea Smethurst.

Carole East was elected as Electoral Roll Officer and Julie Denby as Independent Auditor.

Having been reviewed by members prior to this meeting the H&S and Safeguarding Policies were both adopted.

There are 72 persons on the Electoral Roll.

PCC Meeting 7th September

We are in the final stages of getting Fr Croft back in to the Vicarage, hopefully by the end of SEptember.

Draft Safeguarding and H&S Policies were approved.

The issue of succession planning was discussed. It was decided that deputy churchwardens will be appointed 

PCC Meeting 25th Nov

The Service of Compline and Benediction on the first Sunday each month is going well. (This will be replaced by Stations Of the Cross during Lent)

Canon Denby reported on the situation regarding repairs to the floor in the Croft and the damp in the wall of the rear corridor.

Phyllis gave an update on the situation regarding repairs to the vicarage following the fire. Fr Croft is living temporarily in a flat in Prestwich.

Joe is looking at the feasibility of replacing the internal doors on the North Porch  with “see through” panels so hat the outer doors can be left open during services. 

Councillor Alan Quinn is arranging for a white line to be painted across the entrance to our car park to try and dissuade drivers from blocking it.

It was decided unanimously by the PCC that Ian Critchley should become a Eucharistic Minister. 

PCC Meeting 20th May

The following officers were elected

Lay Chair – Phyllis Lefevre

Secretary – Carole East

Treasurer – Phyllis Lefevre

Safeguarding – Dominic Parry

Data Protection – Carole East

H&S – No appointment made

Gift Aid – Les Withers

Canon Denby and Les Withers were co-opted as members of the PCC

Childrens’ Budget – it was agreed that £100 be set aside to fund activities for children. Antone working with children in church can apply for funding from this sum.

Mission – As Joe Walk, who is coordinating the MAP, is currently heavily committed with his training as a Reader the review of the MAP will be deferred until 2020.

It was agreed that all persons on duty on a Sunday morning should wear an ID badge.

Canon Denby, Carole and Joe are to review the Church Mission Statement and propose an updated version for approval by the PCC.

Carole is going to create a display board with details of all the church officers.

APCM Sunday 7th April

Phyllis Lefevre and Maryrose were both elected at Churchwardens.

Julie Denby was appointed as Auditor for the current year.

The following were elected as members of the PCC

Marcelle Baluch, Julie Denby. Carole East, Margaret Finch, Marion Lees, Dominic Parry, Andrea Smethurst.

Mary Rose Thompson and Phyllis Lefevre (churchwardens)  and Joe Walk (Deanery Synod) are members ex officio

PCC Meeting 25th March

Mary-Rose Thompson was elected as as Patron of St Hilda’s

A Certificate has been received from the Bishop offering congratulations to the Parish for having paid the Parish Share in full in 2018.

Mary-Rose Thompson was elected to act at Patron for St St Hilda’s Parish

The Monthly Drop In and Peregrini Prayer Meeting are both running very successfully

The Safeguarding Policies for Children and Vulnerable adults were approved and signed.

PCC Meeting 28th January

The PCC has given permission for the Croft Church hall to be used as a venue for local elections on 2nd May.

Ken Mullen has resigned from the PCC.

The accounts for 2018 were presented by Julie Denby and approved.

PCC Meeting 26th November

Joe Walk has had to step down as Parish Safeguarding Officer due to the commitments from his training as a Lay Reader.  It was decided at the meeting to appoint Dominic Parry to take over the role. He agreed to do so.

PCC Meeting 24th September

The Safeguarding Officer reported that all PCC members are obliged to undertake Safeguarding training.  The training for members is done on line while the higher level training for Church Wardens will be led by the Parish Safeguarding Officer

PCC Meeting 21st May

Following  a presentation by Canon Peter McEvitt and detailed discussion it was decided to purchase an electronic organ to take over from the existing instrument which it proving too costly to maintain.

The Safeguarding Officer reported that all members were to have DBS clearance.

Joe reported that the lunch time monthly Drop In is working well.


At the Meeting held on 21st May the PCC approved the following Privacy and Consent Forms which will be duly publicised and circulated.

Data Privacy Notice

1 Your personal data – what is it?

Personal Data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation. (GDPR)

2 Who are we?

The PCC of St Hilda’s is the data controller (contact details below). This means that it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes

3 How do we process your personal data?

The PCC of St Hilda’s complies with its obligations under the GDPR by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:-

  • To enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public.
  • To administer membership records
  • To fundraise and promote the interests of the PCC
  • To manage our volunteers
  • To maintain our own accounts and records (including the processing of Gift Aid applications)

To inform you of news, events, activities and services running at St Hilda’s

4 What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

  • Your explicit consent so that we can keep you informed about news, events, activities and services and keep you informed about diocesan events.

Processing is necessary for carrying out legal obligations in relation to Gift Aid.

  • Processing is carried out by a not-for-profit body with a religious aim provided:-
  1. The processing relates only to members or former members (or those who have regular contact with it in connection with those purposes);

2.   There is no disclosure to a third party without consent

5 Sharing your personal data

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with other members of the church in order to carry out a service to other church members or for pur

6 How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep data in accordance with the guidance set out in the guide “Keep or Bin: Care of your Parish Records” which is available from the Church of England Website (see below for link).

Specifically we retain electoral roll data while it is still current; Gift Aid declarations and associated paperwork for up to six years after the calendar year to which they relate; and Parish Registers (baptisms, marriages and funerals) permanently poses connected with the church. We will only share your data with third parties outside of the parish with your consent

7 Your rights and your personal data

Unless subject to an exemption under GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data.

  • The right to request a copy of your personal data which the PCC of St Hilda’s holds about you;
  • The right to request that the PCC of St Hilda’s corrects any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date;
  • The right to request that your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary for the PCC of St Hilda’s to retain such data;
  • The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time;The right, where there is a dispute in relation to the accuracy or processing of your personal data, to request a restriction is placed on further processing;The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office
  • 8 Further Processing
  • If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing
  • 9 Contact detailsTo exercise all relevant rights, queries of complaints please in the first instance contact the Parish Administrator __Carole East________________Information Commissioners Office 0303 123 1113 of England - FormYour privacy is important to us, and we want to communicate with church members in a way that has their consent, and which is line with UK law on data protection. As a result of a change in UK law, we now need your consent to how we contact you. Please fill in the contact details you want us to use to communicate with you and return it to _______________________Name __________________________________Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Post Code)Email __________________________________Tel ____________________________________Mobile _________________________________By signing this form you are confirming that you are consenting to the PCC of St Hilda’s holding and processing your personal data for the following purposes___________________________________________________________________________Signed __________________________   Date ______________________

APCM – Sunday 29th April 2018

Maryrose Thompson and Phyllis Lefevre were elected unopposed as Churchwardens.

The following persons were elected to the PCC – Marcelle Baluch, Julie Denby, Carole East, Margaret Finch, Marion Lees, Sally March, Dominic Parry, Andrea Smethurst.

Ken Mullen as a member of the Deanery Synod is a member of the PCC ex-officio.

Sheila Mullen has resigned as member of the Deanery Synod.  Joe Walk was elected to take her place and as such is also a member of the PCC ex-officio.

Sides persons appointed were – Margaret Finch, Janet Clempner, Joyce McCarthy, Abigail Metzger, Andrea Smethurst, Marcelle Baluch, Irene Healy, Pat Lamb, Irene Hanbidge, Peggy Smith, Irene Egerton, and Stella Dalton.

Julie Denby was appointed as auditor.

The following Policies were presented for consideration at the PCC Meeting on 26/3/18

Policy on the Safeguarding of Adults in the Church

This Policy will be reviewed each year to monitor the progress which has been achieved.We recognize that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time in our lives.

  1. As members of this parish we commit ourselves to respectful pastoral care for all adults to whom we minister.
  2. We commit ourselves to the safeguarding of people who may be vulnerable, ensuring their well-being in the life of the church.
  3. We commit ourselves to promoting safe practice by those in positions of trust.
  4. The parish commits itself to promoting the inclusion and empowerment of people who may be vulnerable.
  5. It is the responsibility of each of us to prevent the physical, emotional, financial and spiritual abuse of vulnerable people and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect.
  6. We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who will work with people who may be vulnerable.
  7. The parish is committed to supporting, resourcing, training and regularly reviewing those who undertake work among people who may be vulnerable.
  8. The parish adopts the guidelines of the Diocese and the House of Bishops.

Each person who works with vulnerable people will agree to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by this church.

The Policy was endorsed by the PCC and duly signed by the Chairman and Church Wardens

Policy on the Safeguarding of children and young people at St Hilda’s.

This Policy will be reviewed each year to monitor the progress that has been achieved.

  • As members of this church we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all, especially children and young people.
  • It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people and to report any abuse whether discovered or suspected.
  • We recognise that our work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole church.
  • Our church is committed to following the policy and procedures published by the Diocese and the House of Bishops.
  • The Parish will adopt good practice guidelines

Each worker with children and young people must undertake diocesan Safeguarding Training, know the guidelines and undertake to follow them. Each shall be given a copy of the Parish’s agreed procedures and good practice guidelines

The policy was endorsed by the PCC and signed by the Chairman and Church Wardens