On Monday 26th February 2018 the completed Mission Plan was approved by the full PCC and sent to the Diocese.
We are in the throes of putting together our Mission Action Plan in line with all the other Parishes in the Diocese.
A steering group has been established.
We kick started the process with a presentation from Mike Chesterton, the Diocesan Mission Development Officer, in February in which we focussed on the current situation in the Parish, highlighting our Strengths and Weaknesses , with a view to seeking a way forward with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to develop the mission of St Hilda’s in the local community.
An extraordinary PCC Meeting was held on 26th June to start the MAP process. It was decided initially to focus on the following areas – Communication, Social Functions, the Website, Links with the elderly, vulnerable and lonely in the community, Facebook, a Church Magazine, a Knit and natter Group and the weekly Newsletter.
Individual members of the PCC were to decide how to promote the Church’s Mission within these areas. There was to be a follow up meeting on 30th October
At the meeting on 30th October, some after discussion, members were asked to write up a forward programme in their specific area to be completed by the end of November Joe will then put all the documents together to produce the initial phase of our MAP.
This process is suspended pending the outcome of the Deanery Mission Action Plan. The deanery representatives will keep the parish up to date.