22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Bathed in wonderful sunshine 10 children joined us with their parents for learning about faith and having fun at the same time, the motto of our church.
We gathered in the Lady Chapel and the children lit the candles. And sat quietly whilst we learned about the importance of being prepared. The children talked about their holidays and parent shared how they prepared and sorting out clothes, money, and travel.
We moved on to think about the World Championships and how the athletes trained and worked hard to be the best that they could so that they might win their races or throw javelins the furthest or jumps higher than anyone else. The children were brilliant answering questions and some were looking forward to starting school and others moving to a new class.
In the church we talked about getting ready and being prepared to welcome Jesus and how important prayers were to us and so we practiced! We were quiet, closed our eyes and thought about the people we loved and who loved us and we finished by having a prayer said for us.
Then it was the Mini Olympics!!

You can see in the photographs below just how much fun they had but first they created medals and some completed charts about what they did best – the colouring was exceptional. Then outside there was a course that they had to follow that was accompanied by screams and laughter. Everyone was a winner!!!

Next month’s Children’s Church will be held on 1st October at 9.30am but we are to begin a monthly Sunday School and the first one will be held on 17th September at 11am. These new initiatives show just how much St Hilda’s ‘bucks the trend’ as our church numbers increase and more are finding faith. Why don’t you ‘buck the trend’ and join us – you would be very welcome.

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
What a wonderful Children’s Church we had on Sunday the 6th August at 9.30am. Whilst the adults concentrated on the Feast of the Transfiguration, that wonderful event where the disciples saw our Lord’s face shine ‘like the sun’ and transfigured before them, the children considered the gospel of the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time which was the miracle of the loaves and fish.
The children listened to the story when a large crowd had gathered to hear the teachings of our Lord but they were hungry. The disciples did not know what to do and Jesus asked them what food they had with them. They told him five loaves and two fish but said ‘but what is that amongst so many’?
The children’s version of the two fish and the five loves
Our Lord blessed the loaves and the fish and then the disciples shared what they had with the 5000 people gather there. The ate and were filled both with food and with the Holy Spirit.
The children were on form and their answers to the questions showed that they understood. It was a real joy for all of us who were present and a pleasure to see their faces. So now we look forward to the beginning of our new Sunday School.
This will begin on 17th September at 11am when the children will join with the adults for worship. They will sing the first hymn before they will leave to go to the Croft for their own lessons and craft work. They will return just before the Offertory hymn to show the congregation all that they have done.

St Hilda’s is on the move, led by our children and enthusiastic parents; we are moving into a new era with young families joining us and making the place simply ‘buzz’. Why not come along and see what is going on – you will not be disappointed.
Palm Sunday morning
On Palm Sunday morning the children gathered with parents to celebrate this special day.
We learned about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and why he travelled into the city on a donkey whilst people gathering around him to cheer, spread palm branches and welcomed him with shouts of ‘Hosanna’.
The children then went into the Croft to do their craft work where they cut out, and coloured Palm leaves to represent what happened on that great day.
After completing their crafts, the children enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt.
The next Children’s Church coincides with the national celebrations of the King and Queen’s Coronation. We are hoping that parents will bring the children to the 11am service on 7th May and then stay for the family fun and food to celebrate this new chapter in the history of our nation.
In order to offset the costs, we are asking adults to pay £5 but all children will come free. If you wish to join us for the lunch then please contact Carole or Julie.
5th March during Lent
More people mean more fun and fun it was as the children gathered for church during Lent.
The children became very involved with the story of our Lord’s journey through the desert and recognising not only the temptations that he must have faced but also the creatures he might have come across during the 40 days and 40 nights alone.
Their teachers decided that the children would concentrate on the desert itself and asked them to draw and to paint pictures of what they might have seen in the desert.
The photographs show the intense work with camels, cacti, and other vegetation. This was a super day again with some new parents and children joining us.
Why not bring your child/ren and join us on Palm Sunday, 2nd April at 9.30am – it would be lovely to see you.
What a day it was with candles being blessed With Holy Water (as well as the children and adults too) as we were joined by 13 Children and 11 Adults as we see this new initiative taking shape and growing each month.
We learned about the power of candles to remind us of many things in the church but also of birthdays, baptisms and other special occasions but primarily that they represent the light of Christ in our lives. We all sang ‘This little light of mine’ with some interest dancing! But it was so much fun learning about Jesus Christ together.
The children went into the Croft singing before they began to do their craft work which included painting their own candle holders, courtesy of one of our mothers, and putting votive lights in them.
The photographs below capture some of the activities but you will need to imagine the atmosphere – it was simply electric!
Our next Children’s Church will be on Sunday 5th March at 9.30am – come and join in the fun!!!
Second Sunday of Advent
Well, what a time we had! Today we welcomed 11 children and 12 adults who shared in worship and craft work.
The children joined in a rendition of ‘Jingle Bells’ before listening to the story of John the Baptist and how he asked people to change from being naughty to becoming good and caring for people. They heard about the Advent Ring and how we celebrate people and events that make Advent special. They all lit a candle?! Two by two they lit them and blew them out and so on until everyone had shared in the lovely liturgy.
The children were led out to the Croft singing Jingle Bells before they made some wonderful Christmas Tree decorations which they will show to the 11am congregation next Sunday.

The children’s service is a wonderful experience so why not bring your child/ren to the next service which is on Sunday 8th January at 9.30am
Our first Children’s Service
It was decided at the PCC that we are not doing enough for the younger people in our church or in our community. We began a new venture on Sunday 6th November at 9.30am which attracted 8 children and 12 adults who came as far away as Worsley.
We held a short act of worship tailored to the age range of children present.
The morning began with the story of the calming of the storm and finished with a prayer before the children and parents went into the Croft to begin their craft session. The children produced wonderful boats, made from paper plates, pictures of themselves and of course adding their own names. Before they all left everyone enjoyed drinks and goodies.
The photographs Above show the children listening to the story and then working on their crafts, but nothing can capture the enthusiasm and sheer fun. COME AND JOIN US next month 4th December at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome.